Initially this will be the place that I record observations and notes about my trip to India. I've been teaching World Religions now for almost 20 years, and I've wanted to visit this wonderfully rich and diverse country for most of those years. At age 51, with too much to do, too little money, and no specific research agenda, with a kitchen remodel job at crisis point at home, and with an end-of-semester crunch, I've decided to go to India. As I explain it, this is an (a) exploratory trip for possible future student trips from LCU; (b) a mini-sabbatical to think and reflect on all things academic; (c) a spiritual quest of sorts; and/or (d) a late mid-life crazy adventure. As I reflect here, you'll likely be able to choose what you deem appropriate. Thanks to my wife, Sharolyn, for supporting this venture, and to LCU and its provost for allowing it. Now, let the journey begin!