
Thursday, August 30, 2012

When Truth No Longer Matters

After Paul Ryan's speech last night at the RNC, CNN's Wolf Blitzer remarked, "He delivered a powerful speech, Erin, a powerful speech. Although I marked seven or eight points I'm sure the fact checkers will have some opportunities to dispute if they want to go forward, I'm sure they will. As far as Mitt Romney's campaign is concerned, Paul Ryan on this night delivered."

He delivered a powerful speech that was full of questionable facts that merit review, but none of it matters.  He delivered.   

Whether Democrat or Republican, the depth of deceit and distortion in order to gain the emotions and support of the people, is truly sad.  Until this year, fact-checking has been an honored and important element in campaign progress.  Now, it seems, fact-checking itself is demonized.  What matters is the production, the rhetoric, and the trivializing of detail.

I long for honesty, lack of arrogance, and respect of sustained investigation into polished production.
