So I arrived at the train station many hours early, and feeling a bit of the normal travel stomach discomfort, and I discover one of the great pleasures of Indian train travel: retiring rooms.
There is no better known site in india than the Taj Mahal, in nearby Agra. Built in 22 years during the 17th century by the Muslim emperor in memory of his second wife, the Taj Mahal has been described as a “teardrop on the face of eternity” (Indian poet Tagore) and “the
Yesterday, after leaving Jaipur, I visited Fatepur Sikki, a small town on the way to Agra.
In a few hours, I board the overnight sleeper train to Varanasi. I am in class 2AC (2nd class, air conditioned) in a space with 4 beds (2 upper and 2 lower). There are at least six classes of tickets, but this is the way many working Indians travel, as well as tourists. (There is also a 3-tier, non-airconditioned option, which I’m happy to pass to another.) For shorter distances, most Indians travel in 3rd class cars, with wood slat seats and bars across open windows. The seats, however, only seat about half the passengers, with the rest standing.
Some other interesting aspects of daily life here:
· Within cities and towns, the primary means of transportation are motorcycles, bicycles, buses, and taxis. Taxis usually mean varieties of rickshaws, human powered or motor powered. There are also trucks – plain big, work trucks with space in their cargo areas and a desire to make a few rupees. In the trucks, and on them, people sometimes crowd and hang on for highway ventures.
· People live in everything from make-shift tents to shanties to old business sheds to rock walled homes to concrete buildings to straw-walled and thatch-roofed structures. Farm houses tend to look like what we’ve been taught about biblical days homes – upstairs or one wing for the family, the other for cattle and other animals. I’ve not yet been in the more modernized parts of India, where I expect to see more high rise apartments.
· The average pay for a teacher for a year is about $3500 a year. Many people make much less. Some make nothing. I talked with a textile producer who proudly spoke of recruiting unemployed poor people from Calcutta, bringing them to Jaipur and providing them with housing, food, and insurance, as well as the “opportunity to learn the trade of embroidery.”
· India produces numerous products. Today I saw numerous small potato farms, then fields of brickmakers, then massive yards of huge stone for carvings. The markets are filled with large quantities of root crops, vegetables, and fruits. I am sure other states will prove more varieties of goods. Products are delivered to market or business by way of trucks and trailers, the latter often powered by donkeys, horses, oxen, and camels.
· There are over 1600 languages and dialects in India, but only 18 are recognized by the government. Hindi is spoken mostly in the North, and a host of regional languages dominate in the South. English is spoken by many, especially the professionals, and I’ve had very little trouble getting by.
· The weather is what I would call “late Spring,” with warm days and cool nights. So far, I’ve seen no rain or wind.
· I have never seen so many animals. I see monkeys in the towns and in the country bush. Yesterday I saw numerous goat herds. Elephants appear on the roads from time to time, but my sense is most of them are used for tourist purposes.
· The dominant religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, and Jainism, but Christianity is substantial, especially in the South. Yesterday I saw a small Baptist building, with the sign “established 1845,” and today near the train station, a Christ Church building from 1860. I hope to learn more about Christian presence when I get to Chennai next week.
· Temples dot the landscape like country churches in West Texas. Temples are especially prominent on the tops of hills and mountains, much like fancy houses often are built in America on high overlooks.
· People seem to work hard, especially the women.
· In the north and in this north central part of India, there are oleandars bushes with yellow and red flowers, occasional palm trees, and numerous thorny bushes that resemble our mesquite trees.
· Oh, add rats to the list of animals seen and experienced. I’ve just now discovered one of the surprises of train station retiring rooms. The noise I kept hearing while writing this post turns out to be a rather fat rat that has found my banana peel. Some discoveries I’d rather not have.
By the time this is posted, I will be in Varanasi, one of the holiest cities in all of India. This country is overwhelming in so many ways, and I continue to see here the full breadth of life. Today I saw a young man, maybe 15, hauling two large containers of water on his bike,
It is a feast for the eyes and mind, indeed.
1 comment:
Each of your blogs is music to my ears and a joy to read and reread. This world is such a big place and yet your experiences seem to bring it all near. I cringe as I envision a rat chewing on a disguarded banana peel nearby and it touches me to see you surrounded by smiling Indian children. I am thankful that we see the same moon each night except your night is my day and and my night is your next day. Thanks for sharing your trip many people are enjoying it. sp
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